Olympus SCP for ODMS R7 - System Configuration Program

Sale price£418.80 inc VAT (£349.00 GBP ex VAT)


Olympus SCP for ODMS R7 - System Configuration Program

Olympus SCP for ODMS (System Configuration Program) is a server based software system which allowes you to centrally manage in a browser, user settings, hardware, software, licenses and firmware updates for Olympus recorders and Recmikes.

Olympus SCP is used in conjunction with Olympus ODMS R7 dictation and transcription software (Purchased Separately) in a remote desktop environment. 

In your remote desktop environment, you first install and configure SCP on your server. All ODMS r7 licenses are added to the built in License Server. When installing ODMS r7 dictate or transcribe enter the remote server address hosting the SCP system and the ODMS software will automatically pick up a license key. 

Key Features:

  • Browser based configuration system
  • Central Device configuration
  • Administration of users and groups
  • AD import (without user heritage/permission)
  • Central license management
  • Lock features for users
  • MST file generator for silent installation
  • Print device list
  • System and file backup
  • Monitoring console
  • File downloader for clients
  • Citrix & Microsoft Remote Desktop support
  • Thin client support

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