With Dragon Professional Individual v15, you can put your voice to work, creating reports, emails, forms and more thanks to the next-generation speech engine Deep Learning technology.
If you’re looking for an excellent text-to-speech solution to help maximise your efficiency at work, Dragon Professional is a smart place to start. Dragon Professional Individual v15 has been designed to automatically convert your words into a document that’s ready for printing - and as the world’s best-selling speech recognition software, it’s fast, easy and accurate. We’ve pulled together a couple of packages to help you get the most out of Dragon’s offering, with Olympus RecMic.
With your choice of either the Olympus RM401P RecMic II or the Olympus RM4110S RecMic II with a slide switch trackball system, you’ll always have the very best of classic transcription at your fingertips. The RecMic II benefits from a redesigned microphone system, with a special Triple Layer Sound Studio Pop Filter to block out the wind noise generated by your mouth when you’re talking, along with all other pop noises. Dragon works best when you can record with crystal-clarity, and the RecMic II is designed to offer precisely that.
Every recorder in the RecMic range is designed to plug and play with your computer, with no extra driver software needed - simply plug it into your computer, and Windows will install all the drivers automatically the first time you use it. When you connect your RecMic II to your computer, it will automatically go into Dragon Mode, and all of the buttons will be configured for use with Dragon.
With advanced personalisation features, including the ability to create custom commands, Dragon Professional Individual allows you to tailor it to the way you work - and thanks to the Deep Learning capabilities, it will grow with you, learning the phrases you use the most to minimise corrections, optimising accuracy for speakers with accents or in noisy environments, and following Smart Format Rules to learn how you want abbreviations, dates, phone numbers and more to appear.
Get in touch with our experts today to discover our Olympus x Dragon Professional Packages, or check out our full catalogue of products and services online.